I’ve spend most of my early 20s into getting a college degree. After graduation, I got a job in healthcare. Pay was great and working hours were horrible. I would spend 9-11 hours a day at work, not to mention having on-calls 6 to 7 days a month. The job really had no taste or any lifestyle in it.

Before I got the job and right after graduation, I was introduced to crypto and was fascinated by it since day 1. I would take away 30-40% of my salary and put it into crypto, reading about it in my spare time. It was really March, 2019 when I decided to leave my day job for good. I went on a journey to explore cryptoland. I would spend most my time on Reddit asking questions and answering some about crypto. I would raise awareness in my own community, and help my friends set up their wallet and purchase a fraction of Bitcoin. I had no pay, I was living off my savings. I’ve left everything for crypto and crypto had nothing to offer to me.

Later on, I came across a crypto exchange that put up a job position in customer support services. I applied for the job even though it required a bachelor degree in business and having experience in the field of support services, I had neither with an unrelated degree. I kept coming at them. I’ve sent them 5-10 emails, applied to their position through all platforms that had the job, and even talking to them through their support service telling them more about myself, I would always throw my name at the end of every conversation I had with them to let them know I was the same annoying guy who talked to them the night prior.

One day, I get an email telling me to come for a job interview, I’ve spent 4 hours being interviewed by all co-founders. The time I spent watching documentaries about Bitcoin and global economy helped me alot to impress them.

I got the job. It is remote, night shift, and 7 hours a day. The best part is that I’m getting paid half what I used to make. Half without the horrible long hours and hospital sleepovers. without having to get up on the morning hoping for the day to finish.

I am happy now. The team is great and I’m enjoying every moment.

Keep taking risks till you wake up in the morning to do something you love.

submitted by /u/Leader92
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