Mozik is the next disruptor launching its IDO on Ignition! The platform takes on the music industry with an innovative format to change how artists and their fans interact through music. We are eager to see your participation during the IDO. Here are some important dates to take note of for those intending to participate.

Whitelist Start: May 8, 2021 11AM UTC

Whitelist Close: May 12, 2021 4AM UTC

IDO on Ignition: May 20, 2021 11AM UTC

Whitelist for Mozik HERE

What is Mozik?

There exists a large gap between music consumers and the artists who produce it through centralized streaming services. This is especially seen in terms of revenue generation for artists.
For example, Spotify pays between $0.003 to $0.005 per stream, meaning that an artist would have to receive over 250 streams to make $1! Yet, listeners pay subscription fees, and ads are hosted on such streaming platforms. Where does the money go to if not the artists?
Well, Mozik is the platform that wants to connect artists and their listeners directly to eradicate the imbalance that is a result of connecting through third-party centralized streaming platforms. It allows artists to now manage and secure their intellectual property (IP) through NFT technology.
By using NFTs, artists can profit directly by selling rights to or use of their music. The IP transaction system proposed is also legally supported such that artists can present it as proof in case of copyright infringement.
Mozik aims to empower independent content creators to help them realize proceeds from their work that will, in turn, lead to higher-quality content creation on the platform.

How it works

The platform leverages NFT technology to empower its content creators. Creators mint their work using NFT technology. Their songs are then posted on the platform via unique IP digital assets. Through blockchain technology, earnings on the platform are registered as:

  • Music copyright
  • Superstar IP
  • Other Celebrity IP derivatives are hosted on the platform
  • Earnings are registered to individual content creators directly through their IP distributed in the form of an NFT.

Mozik Tokenomics

Mozik plans to issue a platform equity coin ($MOZ) that allows participants in the Mozik ecosystem to obtain the rights and interests of the platform. By holding a certain amount of $MOZ, users receive platform dividends generated from activities within the ecosystem. Community members can also stake $MOZ to obtain cash to support their content creation. Furthermore, Mozik will use $MOZ to incentivize content creation and fan participation.

About Mozik

Mozik is a blockchain-powered innovation geared towards growth in the music industry by eliminating third parties and connecting content creators directly to their consumers by leveraging NFTs to monetize intellectual property adequately.
Connect with Mozik on the following platforms.