November 2019, SAN FRANCISCO – Blockchain solutions company hybrix has been promoting its new manifesto at the 2019 San Francisco Blockchain Week, in a most creative fashion. Representatives of the not-for-profit organization have been attending the event to hand out gold-sealed letters that spread a call to action for the freedom of choice, stating that money shall not be monopolized.
Individuals wearing Phantom of the Opera masks are popping up in random places during the blockchain week in San Francisco. Among the attendees of the event, they are calling for renewing unity in the crypto-sphere, and to reinvigorate the original spirit in which Satoshi Nakamoto set out to create Bitcoin.
Individuals at the blockchain event are responding tongue-in-cheek to the action, and are spreading the message around. The hybrix initiative is spreading the message focused on creating an inclusive, accessible and open-source decentralized ledger technology to make the message of the Manifesto become a reality.
About hybrix
Founded in 2014, hybrix is an initiative to create a highly inclusive distributed ledger platform that makes it easy for developers to build chain agnostic applications. The project team has won two grants and has raised over three million US dollars without venture capital. hybrix makes it possible to develop applications on more than 31 chains with just one tool, making use of each chain’s unique characteristics without needing to learn a new SDK for each one.
Media Contact
Contact Name: Amine Ouadrhiri
Email: amine@hybrix.io
Learn more about hybrix – https://hybrix.io/
Follow hybrix on Twitter – https://twitter.com/hybrix_io
Chat to the hybrix team on Slack – https://hybrix.slack.com/
hybrix are on Discord too – https://discord.gg/WbDfAWb
hybrix on Github – https://github.com/hybrix-io
hybrix is the source of this content. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or any value at all.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored press release
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